I am from
– Apsara Adhikari
I am from a nation of mountains surrounded by forests
From a village with a beautiful stream and a field covered in grain.
I am from that place where a school is called a temple
Where a school and temple are often close together.
I am from a family that values the importance of a joint family.
Where 13 members lived together, with a solid bond and unity.
I am from a place filled with the tempting smell of fresh Mango, Banana, Guava, tomato, and peas,
Where we wanted to taste anyhow or anywhere that be, sometimes “borrowing” from a neighbor’s tree .
I am from the plain surrounded by the Chure hill
Where a flowing fresh मूल को पानी(stream) makes pleasant sounds quenching thirst for all people living in peace.
I am from a family, encouraging me to be independent by getting a good education,
Where my grandfather taught us ABCDs and “Barahkhari” on a slate called “Kalopati.
He said to us” छोरा र छोरि मा केहि फरक छैन असल र समान शिक्षा र अवसर पायो
भने छोरि ले पनि छोरा ले जस्तै ठुला ठुला कामहरु गर्न सक्छन्” (sons and daughters are equal, daughters can do anything if given a chance)
I am from a childhood, who always needed the presence of “mamu” (Mom) around me,
Where mamu is needed to prepare Gundruk,(dried greens) Biraula (mixed beans), Makai ko roti (corn bread) and Mohi ( buttermilk ), everyone eagerly awaits to eat.
Thinking that I can not live a moment without mamu near me, but like many girls it was not in my fate.
Unfortunate to be away from mamu from an early age.
I am from sitting around my grandfather and listening to the tales of Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
Where he used to give us chocolates, cracking into pieces listening to his interesting stories.
Even though I don’t have him now, he remains like a God in my heart
I am from a place where childhood spent playing in the fields
Quality time spent with siblings, sometimes quarreling, but mostly in harmony.
Like good friends, these memories are always in my heart wherever they may be.
I am from a land where all people are welcomed, regardless their caste, religion or culture they belong to.
From a place of where ancestors said, “If you do not get justice, go to the land of Gorkha to seek it” (न्याय नपाए गोरखा जानु), and taught to be good and true no matter what profession, ethnicity or community you belong.

- My Name is Apsara and I am From - July 31, 2022
- Conversation Circle of Girls: Raising their voices to protect their futures - February 27, 2022