Rukmini Scholars proudly celebrate #WRAD17
Most of us believe that education is a basic human right for all children, and this is even supposed to be guaranteed by the Constitution of Nepal. Education up to the secondary level is free per the constitution, but despite these written laws, the reality in Nepal is different than the ideals. For example, students of the Far Western region of Nepal have not received books for over 10 months of the academic year. Many thousands of school-age children are out of school due to political, social, and economic reasons. Access to school is one thing, but access to books and awareness of the importance of reading among the children is still an issue for many in Nepal.
Girls reading in Nepali. We also included reading in English, Japanese, Newari, Tibetan, and Tamang to celebrate different languages and cultures.
This is one of the many reasons why our foundation celebrates World Read Aloud Day (WRAD) with such joy. Children in Nepal enjoy reading aloud, and it is also helpful to memorize. This also helps to create learning environment in society. Reading aloud creates positive vibes among children and this helps the culture of reading among them. The power of reading has great importance. In schools, teachers use to make students read aloud to make them memorize important points.Thanks to our partners and friends in the US, LitWorld and Global GLOW, we organize a program around WRAD every year, and each year we try to make it bigger and better.
Former Scholar and current LitClub Shikharapur Mentor, Susmita joins her LitClub in Reading Aloud!
On February 16th, Rukmini Foundation Nepal organized Read Aloud Day 2017 at the premises of its partner school, Shikharapur. Rukmini Scholars, teachers of partner school, Rukmini Staffs, LitClub members, committee members etc were gathered at Shikharapur School where more than 500 students are ready to read aloud to mark the day. The interesting activity of the day was reading aloud by the students who are dressed resembling various ethnicities. They read the books in their own language. Mainly, students and the participants spoke in different languages like Tamang, Newari, Tibetan, English, Nepali, Japanese etc.
Ladies from our partner Community Learning Center Read Aloud to show that education is important for all.
Non-Formal education participant mothers from our partner Community Learning Center also took part in the event as they read aloud their own books. All of the young students greeted these ladies with a loud cheer as they read aloud. LitClub Nepal members and Rukmini Scholars also participated in the reading aloud session. We were treated to an amazing scene as the whole student body of Shikharapur School came out from the classrooms to the veranda with their books, and they all read aloud at once. The resulting echo was a great message of what World Read Aloud Day means to us and to this community.
Impressive scenes as the school gets out in force to Read Aloud.
After the main event at Shikharapur premises, students gathered on top of a hill near the school where they formed human letters to spell out WRAD. More than 300 students participated, and we like to think that this scene was visible from far far away.
Seplling out WRAD on top of a hill.
Education, and especially the ability to read are critical to being able to communicate, do business, and even protect ourselves. This is one of the many reasons we will continue to celebrate World Read Aloud Day and the power of reading. We thank our extended family LitWorld and Global GLOW for providing critical support for us to be able to celebrate this day and for supporting our work, which promotes education, literacy, and empowerment every single day of the year. We are also proud of our Rukmini Foundation Nepal Team, LitClub Nepal, Shikharapur School Team, Rukmini Scholars, students, and the entire community who made the day so successful. Thank you! We are already thinking about celebrating next year now.
More photos of this event (Facebook Album)
Niroj Shrestha,
Program Officer, Rukmini Foundation Nepal Team

- Rukmini Scholars get inspired by Indira Didi - May 30, 2017
- Welcoming new Scholars for 2017 - May 5, 2017
- Celebrating International Women’s Day in Nepal - March 17, 2017
- Reading Aloud with the Community in Pharping - February 16, 2017
- Dr. Meera Hada Provides Valuable Service While Inspiring Many - February 14, 2017