Newsletter Archive – September 2012

Rukmini Scholars and Mentors prepare for performance.

Foundation Celebrates International Literacy Day

8 of our Rukmini Foundation scholars took part in a performance designed to spread the positive message of literacy. Read this post by our Program Manager, Nabin about how the girls had the honor of performing in front of dignitaries including the Prime Minister of Nepal.

Foundation Gets Ready to Celebrate First Birthday

Time flies when you’re having fun and doing good. The foundation has now been in operationa as a nonprofit for almost an entire year. Our birthday is 10.11.12, but we are celebrating early on October 4th by hosting an entrepreneurial networking and jazz event in Pittsburgh. The theme of this event will be starting something good where we talk about what our foundation has had to overcome in our first year of existence. If you are in the Pittsburgh area, please join us for this historic event.  Check our event page for more details.

Health Camp Reaches 600 Students and Staff

Rukmini Foundation along with Shikharapur Community School and Manmohan Memorial Community Hospital organized a health camp on August 31 in Pharping, Nepal. A total of 600 students and staff of the school benefited from the health camp. Read the report by Principal of Shikharapur, Mr. Shyam Shrestha in this guest post.

Visiting Samjhana at Home

As part of our mentoring program, the Rukmini Foundation mentors (Didis) visited Samjhana at her home.  Read the report by the mentors about this visit as they got to know Samjhana better.

Rukmini Foundation Stands Together with LitWorld to Stand UP For Girls

We are partnering with a great organization that is working to bring literacy to all parts of the world. On 10.11.12, we will stand together with LitWorld to Stand up for Girls as part of the International Day of the Girl activities. Our honorary chairwoman Laxmi Aryal stands up for Hope and she plans to spread hope for the Rukmini Scholars by carrying a library with her to Nepal.  What will you stand up for?

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