Post by: Samir Maharjan, Team RukuBot Member
Recently, Team RUKUBOT held a meeting with parents and guardians of all team members. The main objective of the meeting was to share our feelings regarding the project. All Team RUKUBOT members were present along their parents, team mentor and other caretakers of the team. Team Mentor, Satish Aryal presented the milestones that the team achieved during the journey of this team. Each of the team members also shared their feelings about their involvement with the team. Overall, everyone felt very happy to be a part of Team RUKUBOT.
During our formal study time we were involved with theoretical classes rather than practical classes. After involvement in this team, we have learned lots of hands on skills with different scientific tools, programming languages and robotics too.
After sharing the experiences of the team members, the parents were happy and proud of all of the hard work that their children had done. They also encouraged their children to achieve the milestones of the remaining journey. They wish all the best for the whole team and were very thankful to the First Global and Rukmini Foundation for providing this wonderful opportunity to their children. Such positive response from our parents strengthen our energy.
We were happy to hear the positive feedback from our parents.
After discussion, Team Members demonstrate the RUKUBOT in the game field to their parents. Parents are happy with all the achievements that their child have made after involving in RUKUBOT team, Robotics Club, established at Shikharapur Community School.
We did a little demonstration for our parents and guardians.

- Remembering Eliza, an inspiration to many young girls - January 24, 2018
- Reflecting on my dream journey to FIRST Global Challenge - August 22, 2017
- Our Visit with High Ranking Officials of Nepal - June 28, 2017
- Team RukuBot and Their Parents Share Their Feelings - June 12, 2017
- Leaving a Footprint At International Robotics Olympics - May 12, 2017