Divya with her supportive mother
Divya K.C.
Divya K.C. is a 7th grader who attends our partner school, Shikharapur Community School. People closest to Divya often describe her as being a sweet natured girl who is compassionate and always willing to help anyone in need.
Perhaps it is this nature that has stirred the desire in her to want to become a doctor so she can dedicate her life in service to others. Divya lives in Lamagaon village, which is an outskirt village of Pharping. It takes her around 40 minutes bus ride to get to school everyday, but she enjoys the ride as she gets to spend time with her elder sister who is also in Shikharapur Community School in grade 9. Divya’s family is in the traditional farming system of agriculture and cattle rearing, which involves a lot of work, but not much pay. Despite the family’s limited income, Divya’s parents are very invested in their daughter’s education. They encourage both their daughters to study hard and make a better future for themselves.